Stansted Airport Border Inspection Post

The BIP handles livestock and products. Open 24 hours a day

Customs Requirements and Procedures

For Accompanying Handlers

In order to expedite the Customs clearance of the animal attendants accompanying consignments of large farm animals and horses from non-EU countries that are required to be cleared and inspected at the Border Inspection Post and to enable those attendants to remain with their animals, the following procedure has been agreed.

  1. Pre-advice must be faxed to Customs on 01279 665831; the required information and format is shown in Fax Form. At least 6 hours notice should be given before the flight arrival, and for flights arriving before 0600 local time, the information should be sent before 2100 local time the previous day.

For flights of less than 6 hours duration and flights where exact information is not available before 2100 local time, as much prior information as possible should be provided on the Animal Attendant Arrival Advice to alert Customs of the animal attendant(s) arrival. This must be followed up with a fully completed Advice as soon as is practically possible after the flight has departed from the airport of origin of the animals and their attendants.

  1. The Handling Agent is to contact Customs as soon as possible on Tel. 01279 680001 or Fax. 01279 665831 after the flight has landed to inform them that the animal attendant(s) are available for Customs’ attention. Customs will then advise the procedure that is to be followed.


  1. Wherever possible clearance will be effected at the aircraft side, however Customs reserve the right to escort the animal attendant(s) to the nearest Customs approved office for further questioning and baggage examination.

It is advisable that animal attendants are made aware of the UK personal allowances, prohibitions and restrictions that are contained in HMRC Public Notice No. 1 (A Guide for Travellers – attached to this document).

It should be noted that there are heavy penalties for making false declarations.

Information request form


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